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Showing posts from January, 2014

Aphadi And The Power In Fashion

Fashion, development, economy, and peace, were the topics of conversation during the FIMA (Festival International De La Mode Africaine) conference held at the United Nations Tuesday 26 Sep, 2013. Alphadi Seidnaly, designer and the founder of FIMA sat amongst a panel of entrepreneurs, task makers and politicians. The panel consisted of Alphadi, Boubacar Bourema, Fatima Djoua, Jacqueline Kakembo, Designer Jedda Khan and Minister of state for foreign affairs of Niger, Mohamed Bazoum.          The conference was held to discuss the upcoming 9th edition FIMA event, what it is about, and its importance. It is being held in Niger this November 20th-25th. Alphadi created FIMA as a platform to show African fashions and design, which reflect his culture and his country. Since its beginnings it has gained much popularity. It has helped to shine a light on designers of African decent such as Jedda Khan. It has also allowed a large array...

Fall 2013' S New York Couture Fashion Week

The last day of the New York Couture Fashion Week  took place at the New Yorker Hotel’s Grand Ballroom, on Sunday, Feb 17, 2013, with showcases from designers and performances from singers. Hundreds of people including journalists, photographers, retailer executives and celebrities gathered at the New York Fashion Show at 4 p. m, Sunday to enjoy   the fall collection.             Singer Reagan Richards performed with her three dancers that involved some comedy and drama scenes.  Another performance was by singer Sinem Saniye a pop singer from New York.     Designer Lourdes Atencio presented her fall collection that was made of silk and satin fabric for special occasions.  The public seemed to enjoy her multicolor collection and they applauded, especially when all the models came out at the same time presenting her clothing as a group, at the end of the show. Every fashion garment   presentation was well complem...