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Showing posts from November, 2014

Bloggers and Multimedia Tools

How does multimedia enhance our messaging?    To begin with, editors must do more than simply edit narratives. They must understand which of the new tools on an expanding list should be used to communicate. (Kovach & Rosenstiel, 2010). In other words, it is important for editors to add multimedia in their contents and to know the right tool for each  of them.  In fact, the government and many of our best thinkers justly applaud technology for giving us more tools to engage. (Kovach & Rosenstiel, 2010). In whatever way, we need to take some factors in consideration when using   multimedia tools  . The first factor should be the feature of each tool, the second should be the convenience (easy to use) and the third factor should be the cost.  In regard to the cost, the 7 essentials free multimedia tools according to Media are Splashup, KomPoZer, IMovie, Jaycut, Audacity, GarangeBand and Photo Peach, Effect Generator and G...