There are many ways to grow your social media platforms. You can simply hire a pro to assist you or just use my ten following strategies : 1-Create your Niche: Give a specific description of yourself and what you do. People need to know who you are and which service (s) you offer. 2-Learn about your target audience: Always focus on the right people. Good knowledge is necessary for connection to what you are selling it's a big step to categorizing your target audience. 3- keep updated with info in regard to your niche. People enjoy relevant, correct, and free information. The more your audience trust you the more they recommend your port and share. 4-Be active and stay active: Be consistent. Don't just post whenever you want. This means you must post a few times during the day for each platform. At least 2 videos per day. 5-Select the right sound for your post. Search for new trend sounds to make the best choice: In f...