Brand names have someone like you getting paid to promote their products every day. As Dan Lok said:" Only poor people use social media for pleasure." The time you spend on each platform is the key to the next step. Likewise, your time needs to be monetized and lead to many followers = customers.
You should operate your platforms like a business and set a budget to invest as much as possible. There are many ways to monetize your time, but the primary requirement is to increase your followers and to be active by posting constantly and creating more animated videos. To create quality videos for your social platforms, you can use VidToon, which provides better resolution. You can also reach a pro to coach you during that process. It is not expensive to get a pro. Just reach out and ask for the service fee. Many influencers and celebrities have used these services to succeed with their social media platforms.
As soon as your Platforms reach 1,000 to 10,000 followers or even more, you can move to the next step and conduct your social media like a business. You can even apply for a loan to promote your business to help you stay active.
There are many affiliate program websites and apps to explore and sign-up as an influencer, such as Rakuten Marketing; ainfluencer;; DCM network; Timberland affiliate program (services used by companies to find social media influencers and people with many followers like you). Most importantly, visit your favorite brand name's website and search for its affiliate program. Note that social media changes rapidly, so keep in touch and follow me for more info.
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